Thursday, September 3, 2009

Boggy, Bloggy, Post-e, post-e

Well here we go again. Not like the Boot Camp but still keeps you humping. Started a blog on market-mastermind. Going to talk about Pecan Trees.

Probably won't be much interest but it will get me started. Have to go back to Twitter and add more names, getting there but still a little ways to go. Have over a 100 followers and following 190. Face Book is getting there, my just leave personal and biz the same not sure yet.

Have had 134 hits on the video, not sure if this is good or not.

Hug your loved ones tonight



  1. Looking forward to your Pecan tree postings. I like learning new things.

  2. You will probably get more response to Pecan trees than I will get for volunteering to pick up road litter.
