Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Didn't Get Skunked

Well well will wonders never cease? I checked my back office today with the help of Susan and guess what, I had a BM sign up on July 14th but was never notified.

It came from the leads and e mails we sent out. I have got to get hold of him tomorrow and see if he will up grade to a WCM.

Hope it's not to late for him to get the certificates if he goes up grade.

Hug your loved ones - Yes Susan you have to hug Michael.

Good night


Friday, August 7, 2009

Day 20 Last Day of Boot Camp

Well we made it threw the Boot Camp and no one seems to have any lasting effects. It was tough at times but the good times more than made up for it.

Had a trying day, wound up buying a new pick up. Traded my old 1985 Ford F250 with over 500,ooo miles on it. But couldn't turn down the $4500.00 the cash for clunkers offered.

Got my contacts today and did a few follow up calls before we went to Midland.

This is short and sweet, I'm tired and my head hurts so I am calling it quits for tonight.

Thank all of you for being a part of the Boot Camp.

Hug your loved ones.


Thursday, August 6, 2009

Day 19 and getting close.

Ho Ho Ho said the jolly fat man. That should be all of our attitudes also. Find the bright spot every day, the gloomy ones will try to take over.

Enjoyed the call tonight, we will still have to keep in touch after this. I still think the LADIES did a great job. (I'll use the term ladies in a loose manner) Smile it's doesn't hurt I promise.

Got my contacts today and had a great time doing it. It sure makes the day go faster when you are enjoying yourself. I could tell you a whole bunch of details but they are not as important as doing what you said you would do.

Thanks again everyone for your kindness you have shown me and letting me be a part of this Boot Camp.

Hug your loved ones and tell them how much you love them.

Sleep tight


Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Day 18 and Counting

Good evening. Just a few lines to let you in on the day. We had a great call this morning nearly all of the campers were on there.

My hat goes off to all of you. Shannon, you have stayed the course and have done a great job. You may not have any malls yet but you will. Tina you have set the pace for the contacts. I think you are doing a great job and it is going to pay off for you sooner or later. Linette you are getting out there and getting the malls they may not be World Changers yet but I know you can turn the people around and get them to up grade. Adrian has led the way with the # of malls and has set a goal for all of us to try and reach. Way to go.

Ms. Susan you are an inspiration to all of the Boot Campers, filling in and working behind the scenes. It has been my honor to get to work with you.

Got my contacts today, wasn't as easy as usual but it all worked out.

I'm ready to call it a day, so all of you have a great night.

Hug your loved one before you go to bed.


Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Day 17 and counting

Well, well MS Tess and Big Z got a sign up today. Now that makes for a great day. Way to go and keep up the good work.

Susan did another great job tonight on the Boot Camp call. Way to go Susan you are doing a fantastic job.

The Drill Sargent wasn't there tonight, laying on the beach.

Got my contacts today wasn't anything exciting about it, but I enjoyed talking to the people and listening to their stories. Had one lady I just new would sign up but home life made a difference.
Will e mail her in a couple of days.

Been doing a lot of follow up calls and e mails last few days. Down to 2 left from the leads Susan was sending out. Rest have hung up or said no or won't answer the phone.

All of you lovely people have a great night and get up bright eyed and bushy tailed in the morning ready to go gettum tomorrow.

Hug your loved ones.


Monday, August 3, 2009

Day 16 Last Week.

Well we got the law laid down to us today. Jackie was a great drill Sargent. She is right, we need to do what we said we would do. Sure it's a drag to get it done every day, but that was the deal when we went into this Boot Camp. Good show Jackie.

I met with a NPO over the weekend and gave the board a presentation, but they decided not to get in at this time.

Did lots of follow up calls over the weekend. Didn't have much sucess but I connected with several of the people.

Got my leads today in several different places. Talked with a family from Odessa that were on their way to San Antonio to go to Sea World and Feista Texas.

Take time to tell your loved ones how much you love them.

Good Night Sleep Tight
