Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Day 18 and Counting

Good evening. Just a few lines to let you in on the day. We had a great call this morning nearly all of the campers were on there.

My hat goes off to all of you. Shannon, you have stayed the course and have done a great job. You may not have any malls yet but you will. Tina you have set the pace for the contacts. I think you are doing a great job and it is going to pay off for you sooner or later. Linette you are getting out there and getting the malls they may not be World Changers yet but I know you can turn the people around and get them to up grade. Adrian has led the way with the # of malls and has set a goal for all of us to try and reach. Way to go.

Ms. Susan you are an inspiration to all of the Boot Campers, filling in and working behind the scenes. It has been my honor to get to work with you.

Got my contacts today, wasn't as easy as usual but it all worked out.

I'm ready to call it a day, so all of you have a great night.

Hug your loved one before you go to bed.


1 comment:

  1. Phillip~~~

    You've been just as much an inspiration as everyone else on the team. Your dogged determination to get your contacts every day in your small town (and beyond) and keeping up with your local community efforts is just awe-inspiring. That you've been able to continue to email the Miracle Team leads right along with all of it is spectacular. You are a man of your word and I am proud to know you. Minnie is a gem, too, for putting up with your sense of humor and your long hours of working with seemingly few results. You ROCK, Phillip ;-). Thank you!
