Monday, July 27, 2009

Day 11 Hot and Dry.

Had a great weekend. We were in Midland Saturday and went to Sam's Club for a load of coffee.
On the way in a man stopped me and ask if I were Phillip West. I said yes ,and he said he new me from doing nursing homes. We talked for a second and he ask me if MPM was still in effect, I told hid it sure is. He said he was with the animal shelter and had one of my cards. We talked about the NPO and he was going to look at it with the president of the board. I told him I would meet with them or what ever they wanted. If they wanted to let the whole board look at it I would come and give the presentation. He said he would get back with me.

Did lots of calling and e mailing the contacts I have gotten over the last 2 weeks. Phone calls were not much, answering machine and no answers. Had 2 people finally tell me they weren;t interested.
I ask them to keep my info handy if they changed their minds.

Talked to a man who is involved with THE BOY SCOUTS. He wanted to check it out and show the scout master.

Got my contacts today in Big Lake. Had to go get a sticker on the car. Talked to the people in the shop and had a good reception.

Have a great night.

Hug your loved ones.

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