Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Day 13 Still looking Forward

Hello all what a great day. We had to go to a Planning Comission meeting today. Had already talked to the people there about MPM but gave them and update on the Solar Oven Factory and the certificates.

Had to have a wind shield put in the pickup and talked to the guys there at the shop. They were more interested in going home than listening to me.

Made Wal Mart and got my contacts there, people were in a rush and would hardly slow down to talk.

Good day though, take them as they come and move on.

Tell your loved ones how much you love them every day.


1 comment:

  1. Keep up your good efforts, Phillip. Sending you wishes for great sleep, and a surprise for your Thursday--- so glad you had a good interview the other day. More will follow, including that young gent that contacted you at the store. Hi to Minnie.
