Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Day 3 Tried Something Different

Not to shabby a day. Made the call this morning and learned a few things, you always can if you pay attention.

I tried calling a few people today to see if I could go to their home and talk to them about MPM.
It took several tries but I was able to go talk to 5 people at their home. I wasn't satisfied with the results but I got started at it.

They were all ladies and I talked to them about MPM, and the gas & grocery rebates, and how they can save money on the things they buy anyway.. For various reasons I never got one of them to go online while I was there to look at the site. All of them wanted to wait until their husbands got home to watch it with them.

I thanked them and left, but had their e mail address and I sent all of them an e mail with all the directions to my Foundation Mall. I intend to get back with them tomorrow and see if they have any questions or concerns.

I have 2 appointments for tomorrow afternoon. One is the athletic director's wife and the youth minister's wife.

Tomorrow will be a better day. If it's not there is always another day .

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm... I can imagine how fun it was to visit all women! :) You may want to make contacts during the day and then visit their homes at night when the husbands are around, but as you deal with the younger women they'll just make the decision on their own. :)

    Great work, Phillip!

